Latest News

Any news on delays and so forth regarding turn processing at Ab Initio Games will appear here. If there’s nothing here, there’s probably not a delay. 

Housekeeping – Please can players make sure their credits are topped up (and that doesn’t mean continually dropping to -1) and also make sure turns are submitted on time. Both issues have slowed me down recently, and it’s always a minority (usually the same people) and right now, I really do want to be focussing my energy elsewhere. Thanks………

Hotmail Problems – I’m still having problems with outgoing emails (not game reports, only messages sent from my mailbox) reaching Hotmail users. If you haven’t set as a trusted email address please do so, and feel free to raise it with Hotmail if you are getting blocked. They seem to have decided to block the email address, albeit only occasionally. I can’t bug them, as they’re not my email provider. I will, if I really need to, use an alternative email address, but I’m hoping to avoid having to make that permanent.

Late Turns – can I remind people about chasing late results – I aim to get games run over the weekend, and given the number of turns this does mean spreading them out (I also need to avoid sending out too many results in a short timeframe, as they will trigger systems thinking I’m sending spam). Please wait until Monday before you chase anything “late”, and for those in more than one game, don’t assume because you’ve received one game report that I’ve sent them all.

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